The Farming CookThe Farming Cook
Good farming, great flavour

The Farming Cook

Customer testimonials

-The bread was amazing. -The butternut soup was lovely. -The mince soup tasted just like my moms. -That bread was too delicious.
About Us

About Us

I am a young, happy, vibrant, passionate and loud lady born in Mafikeng, NW South Africa. My love for food started at a very young age, my mother will happily share with anyone that I started cooking from as early as 8years old and loved cooking shows. I started growing crops in the backyard of a townhouse I rented, back in 2013 and this became my therapy from the stresses of my 9 to 5 job (it still is!) both the kitchen and garden grew to become my happy place. My curiosity about producing crops organically started in 2014. This grew into a different love for food - I didn’t just want to cook it, I wanted to produce it and this gave birth to farming more than just growing food in my backyard. When I’m the kitchen or in the garden, a part of me is fulfilled in a way that I cannot explain. In a nutshell, growing and cooking food makes me very happy. I am also proud to add that food production has become a shared love in my family . I look forward to sharing my passion with you and hope to interact with you through our products. I hope to inspire you to look and food differently - with more respect, with more intention and with more love. Visit my blog website to read and keep up with my food journey at .
Contact Us

Contact Us

We are a home based business in Centurion and Mafikeng. Only Centurion provides cooked foods. Address is shared for arranged collections only.
Open hours
Daily 07am — 7:00 PM Closed on Sunday.
Secure Payment

Secure Payment

We accept card payments. Your payments are secure and processed through Paygate. All online card payments processed in South Africa are passed for 3D Secure authentication.